Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Cameron is now mobile

Posted in Uncategorized on January 15, 2008 by digitalizatt

Just had to share Cameron is now crawling! Not the best pictures since he is crawling away, but so adorable!


Calling all photographers

Posted in Uncategorized on January 13, 2008 by digitalizatt

Calling all photographers everywhere. If you guys haven’t heard or signed up for then head over now and sign up. I have entered a bunch of my favorite shots in the Stellar Brides category and am hoping to win the Canon 85mm L f/1.2 II lens, so go register and vote every day. If you see my images and happen to like them, give them a vote 🙂 You have to register for an account which only takes a couple minutes, and then vote for photos as often as you can 🙂 Wish me luck.

Breanna and Mike 12-22-2007 SLC Temple and Aspen Landing

Posted in Uncategorized on January 2, 2008 by digitalizatt

Here are some of my favorite shots from Breanna and Mikes wedding. We started out at the SLC temple and then I went home to get a slideshow done for their reception that night. While I was home, Tiffany made me my favorite lunch in the whole wide world… Grilled Cheese Sandwiches 🙂 Yummy. After the slideshow was done, I headed out to their reception held at Aspen Landing Reception Center. It was my first time at Aspen Landing and it was really beautiful. The night was a blast and we even had a surprise visit from Santa Clause 🙂

Did ya miss me?!?!

Posted in Uncategorized on January 1, 2008 by digitalizatt

Sorry it’s been forever, the holidays just get so crazy and I had three weddings (one in Nauvoo) on top of it all, so I am finally getting a chance to catch up on some blogging. I was hoping to be able to blog before I left for Nauvoo, but I had a huge computer failure and was without a computer and email and I won’t be getting my replacement computer til tomorrow night. Luckily I had this spare computer that my daughter Kyleigh uses to play computer games. So over the next day or two, I will be updating the blog with three wedding posts and also another awesome post that I have been waiting a long time to make. So check back soon and you will see some sweet images that I am quite proud of.

Marko, Petar, and Nik

Posted in Uncategorized on December 17, 2007 by digitalizatt

Meet the Mijic brothers. They all saw the senior photo session I did of Disney and loved my work, so they called and booked a session to do their photos as a surprise Christmas gift for their parents. So today we headed to 25th street in Ogden and had a blast shooting. Marko is the oldest, and Petar and Nik are twins. They were all sporting brown American Eagle sweaters with blue jeans. We got some sweet shots, but don’t take my word for it, see the photos below for proof.

Got ice?

Posted in Uncategorized on December 1, 2007 by digitalizatt

So we shot andrea and trevor at the nauvoo temple yesterday and woke
up this morning to begin our 5 hour drive to Kansas city and found the
roads had turned into a skating rink and our rental car covered in a
thick sheet of ice. Here is a view from the drivers seat. Its so thick
that our scraper is only shaving off a very thin layer. So we are
sitting in the car waiting for it to thaw a bit.

The arch

Posted in Uncategorized on November 30, 2007 by digitalizatt

So after landing tiffany and I stopped by the famous arch in st louis.
It was totally awesome. We then drove all the way to nauvoo for the
wedding. Stay tuned 😉


Posted in Uncategorized on November 29, 2007 by digitalizatt

We just arrived in St louis. Here is a shot I got just after takeoff.
We are gonna go visit the arch then head up to nauvoo. Stay tuned

Destination wedding Nauvoo

Posted in Uncategorized on November 29, 2007 by digitalizatt

We are sitting at the airport waiting on our plane to board. We are
heading to nauvoo Illinois to shoot Andrea and Trevors wedding and
will be back Sunday night. 🙂

Sent from my iPhone

Heather and Tyson 11/16 and 11/17

Posted in Uncategorized on November 25, 2007 by digitalizatt

Sorry it’s been forever since I have blogged, it’s not that I’m not shooting, I have been very busy, but with the holiday finally had a chance to get all caught up. Last weekend I shot Heather and Tyson’s wedding in SLC. Friday they got sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. It was a gorgeous day and there were family and friends that flew in from all over the country. I had such a fun time, both families had such fun personalities and I instantly fell in love with them. Then on Saturday they held their reception at the SLC City and County Building. They did such an excellent job with all of the details. They had colors all over the place with draping banners, tents with pillows and bright colors, extravagant flowers, and huge enlargements from the bridals and engagement sessions. It was so awesome. Tiffany was able to come with me on Saturday to help catch some candid shots. Here are a couple of my favorites from the weekend 🙂